World Therapeutic Massage day

đź‘‹Today is International Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day! đź‘‹

Massage is generally considered part of integrative medicine. It’s increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations.

There are many health benefits of regular Therapeutic Massage and many health conditions that show improvement, these may include:

đź‘‹ Reducing stress and increasing relaxation

đź‘‹ Reducing pain and muscle soreness and tension

đź‘‹ Improving circulation, energy and alertness

đź‘‹ Lowering heart rate and blood pressure

đź‘‹ Improving immune function

đź‘‹ Anxiety

đź‘‹ Digestive disorders

đź‘‹ Fibromyalgia

đź‘‹ Headaches

đź‘‹ Insomnia related to stress

đź‘‹ Low back pain

đź‘‹ Myofascial pain syndrome

đź‘‹ Soft tissue strains or injuries

đź‘‹ Sports injuries

đź‘‹ Temporomandibular joint pain

đź‘‹ Upper back and neck pain

Therapeutic Massage is a registered profession provided by knowledgeable and skilled therapists who receive extensive training in anatomy and pathology to ensure they deliver safe and appropriate care.

To find an Allied Health registered Therapeutic Massage therapist near you go to

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Wonderful anatomy

How fantastic is this image of the human cell.

When studying Therapeutic Massage we spent my hours learning about Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology.
These were some of my favourite subjects.

“The most detailed representation of a human cell to date, obtained by radiography, nuclear magnetic resonance and cryoelectronic microscopy.

~ Valerie DeBourdeilles”

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful picture.

For more information about the human cell, read on below.

“Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. The human body is composed of trillions of cells.
They provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions.
Cells also contain the body’s hereditary material and can make copies of themselves.

Cells have many parts, each with a different function. Some of these parts, called organelles, are specialized structures that perform certain tasks within the cell.

Human cells contain the following major parts, listed in alphabetical order:

Within cells, the cytoplasm is made up of a jelly-like fluid (called the cytosol) and other structures that surround the nucleus.

The cytoskeleton is a network of long fibers that make up the cell’s structural framework. The cytoskeleton has several critical functions, including determining cell shape, participating in cell division, and allowing cells to move. It also provides a track-like system that directs the movement of organelles and other substances within cells.

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
This organelle helps process molecules created by the cell. The endoplasmic reticulum also transports these molecules to their specific destinations either inside or outside the cell.

Golgi apparatus
The Golgi apparatus packages molecules processed by the endoplasmic reticulum to be transported out of the cell.

Lysosomes and peroxisomes
These organelles are the recycling center of the cell. They digest foreign bacteria that invade the cell, rid the cell of toxic substances, and recycle worn-out cell components.

Mitochondria are complex organelles that convert energy from food into a form that the cell can use. They have their own genetic material, separate from the DNA in the nucleus, and can make copies of themselves.

The nucleus serves as the cell’s command center, sending directions to the cell to grow, mature, divide, or die. It also houses DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the cell’s hereditary material. The nucleus is surrounded by a membrane called the nuclear envelope, which protects the DNA and separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell.

Plasma membrane
The plasma membrane is the outer lining of the cell. It separates the cell from its environment and allows materials to enter and leave the cell.

Ribosomes are organelles that process the cell’s genetic instructions to create proteins. These organelles can float freely in the cytoplasm or be connected to the endoplasmic reticulum.”

Go to to see the original article.

Benefits of Massage

Massage is generally considered part of integrative medicine. It’s increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations.
Some of the benefits of regular Massage may include:

👉Reducing stress and increasing relaxation

👉Reducing pain and muscle soreness and tension

👉Improving circulation, energy and alertness

👉Lowering heart rate and blood pressure

👉Improving immune function


👉Digestive disorders



👉Insomnia related to stress

👉Low back pain

👉Myofascial pain syndrome

👉Soft tissue strains or injuries

👉Sports injuries

👉Temporomandibular joint pain

👉Upper back and neck pain

Therapeutic Massage is a registered profession provided by knowledgeable and skilled therapists who receive extensive training in anatomy and pathology to ensure they deliver safe and appropriate care.

To find an Allied Health registered Therapeutic Massage therapist near you go to

Massage Therapy Association of SA

mtaofsa #alliedhealthprofessionals #healinghands #massagetherapysouthafrica #triggerpointtherapy #stressfree #relaxation #sleepbetter #restandrecovery #fatiguerecovery #painmanagementtherapy #therapeuticmassage #insafehands #bestcareanywhere #sportsmassagetherapy #keepcalm #deeptissuemassage #liveyourbestlife #holistichealth #backpainsolutions #livebetterlonger #massagebenefits #southafrica

My favorite day of the week

The power of touch can help you finish this stressful year on a more harmonious note.

Massages feel good because they release “feel-good” endorphins into the body, similar to a runner’s high. They can also feel good because the brain releases oxytocin which is a natural chemical that reduces pain and can serve as an antidepressant. Massages can also feel good as a chemical response to human contact, similar to feeling good from affectionate contact from friends or family.

Human contact is essential in emotional well-being. Embraces, handshakes, and even cuddling are all great sources of the endorphin Oxytocin.

Interpersonal contact is proven to reduce stress, improve mood, and contribute to well-balanced health.

Massage is important for both physical and mental health!

To find an Allied Health registered Therapeutic Massage therapist near you go to

#mtaofsa #massagetherapysouthafrica #alliedhealthprofessionals #healinghands #healthiswealth #massagetherapyrocks #stressless #holistichealth #massagetherapyworks #liveyourbestlife #therapeuticmassage #happyplace #feelgoodmoment #mindfultouch #selfcare #relaxationmode #slowdown #beinthemoment


If any of your loved ones have struggled with stress or anxiety this year, then massage therapy may be a good choice to help them finish this year on a high note.

Massage is widely used in all cultures to evoke feelings of deep relaxation and reduced anxiety. The anxiety-reducing and mood-enhancing benefits of massage are probably related to decreased levels of cortisol, and increased activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, which acts automatically to calm the body and brain during stress.

Regular massage therapy effectively reduces anxiety, improves emotional resilience, and enhances feelings of general well-being in anxious patients.

Numerous studies show that moderate pressure massage is more effective than light pressure massage for reducing pain associated with different medical problems including fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. Moderate pressure massage also improves attention and enhances the body’s immune response by increasing the activity of natural killer cells. Functional brain imaging studies show that changes take place in many areas of the brain involved in regulating emotions and stress response including the amygdala and the hypothalamus. For an excellent review of the research evidence for massage therapy see “Massage Therapy Research Review” by Field (Field 2014).

To find a knowledgeable professional Therapeutic Massage therapist near you to help support your or a loved ones body, go to

#mtaofsa #alliedhealthprofessionals #healinghands #massagetherapysouthafrica #triggerpointtherapy #stressfree #relaxation #selfcare #relaxationmode #therapeuticmassage #insafehands #wehavegotyourback #holistichealth #backpainsolutions #livebetterlonger #massagetherapyrocks #anxietysupport #bodymindconnection #keepcalm
#mentalhealthawareness #naturalhealth #liveyourbestlife #dontworrybehappy

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage involves applying firm pressure and slow strokes to reach deeper layers of muscle and fascia (the connective tissue surrounding muscles) It’s used for chronic aches and pain and contracted areas such as a stiff neck and upper back, low back pain, leg muscle tightness, and sore shoulders.

To find a qualified massage therapist near you go to

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#sportsmassage #sportsmassagetherapist #sportsmassagetherapy #deeptissue #myofascialrelease

How often should you have a massage?

Therapeutic Massage works better when received regularly.
Much like going on one short run on the treadmill doesn’t prepare you for a marathon, and one salad doesn’t lead you to all your health & nutritional goals, one massage session cannot undo years of damage.
Do how often should you get a therapeutic massage?
The answer depends on your pain and physical needs, your stress and emotional needs, and of course, your budget. Receiving massage regularly will have the most benefit. A massage once a week, or every two weeks would be ideal, but may not be realistic for every person.
To find the answer, talk to your massage therapist; they are your partner in your health and self-care plan. And, listen to your body. It will always tell you what it needs.
To find a knowledgeable and caring Allied Health registered Therapeutic Massage therapist near you go to

How Does Massage Therapy Treat Fibromyalgia?

What to Know About Massage Therapy for Fibromyalgia

Some people only need to hear the word “massage” and they melt. It feels good and eases your body pain when a massage therapist tackles your pain points. For those with fibromyalgia, massage therapy may be the symptom reliever you are looking for. Let’s take a look at what massage therapy for fibromyalgia can do.

An Overview of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a disorder defined by its chronic pain that seems to come and go without an agenda. Researchers suspect that the painful sensations are heightened due to how the brain processes pain signals; this is due to an increase in certain brain chemicals. Fibromyalgia symptoms include widespread pain in the muscles, tendons, ligaments and other soft tissues. Other symptoms include anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping and trouble with mental tasks. There currently is not a cure for fibromyalgia, but massage therapy can help manage the pain.

What Is Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is a long-standing method for healthcare. A massage therapist moves your body’s muscles and soft tissues to help with pain or tightness. They use kneading or rubbing techniques to relieve fibromyalgia pain in the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Depending on the needs and severity of a person’s fibromyalgia, the massage pressure may range from deep pressure to light stroking.

How Massage Therapy Treats Fibromyalgia

Massage therapy is not a cure for fibromyalgia, but it can ease discomfort. When a person is in chronic pain, they need help to manage their symptoms. Massage therapy can help relax the muscles, improve the range of motion in the joints and increase the body’s production of its natural painkillers. Additional perks of massage therapy include blood flow stimulation, elimination of metabolic waste and lengthening of muscle fibers.

There are different types of massage that are used to loosen tight muscles and increase mobility in the body using a variety of techniques. The combination of massage that seems to work best includes kneading, stretching, pressure and heat.

Pros of Massage Therapy for Fibromyalgia

There are plenty of reasons to get massage therapy if you have fibromyalgia:

  • Reduced pain and tender points. Regular sessions can help reduce chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia.
  • Increased amount and quality of sleep. Getting an evening massage is shown to improve quality of sleep. Sleeping hours are when your body repairs and rejuvenates itself—more hours and better sleep enables your body to take care of itself more effectively.
  • Improved muscle tone. Massage helps revitalize tired muscles and clear out toxins that are trapped within the muscles by improving circulation.
  • Improved mental state. Massage relaxes the body and mind, which can relieve mental stress and help resolve some cognitive issues.
  • Lowered effects of anxiety or depression. Massage helps restore homeostasis of the body, which helps balance out hormone fluctuations, appetite changes and it can prevent you from operating in fight-or-flight mode.
  • Headache relief. Improved circulation can take away the physical source of a headache.
Cons of Massage Therapy for Fibromyalgia
  • Lasting relief is not guaranteed. You need to keep coming back for additional sessions.
  • Treatment requires trial and error. One major symptom of fibromyalgia is sensitivity to touch. Your tender muscles will definitely feel it. There may be some painful moments as your therapist finds the right combination of massage type and pressure for you. Flare-ups also happen, so your massage therapist may need to change their approach for every visit.
  • It may be expensive. Unless you have an insurance plan that covers massage therapy, you will need to pay out-of-pocket for each visit.
  • You need to talk about your fibromyalgia. You do not have the luxury to merely go for a massage; you need to let your therapist know about your fibromyalgia so they can adopt their approach.
  • Your muscles need recovery time. Take it easy after your massage because your muscles usually have a delayed response and the time will help them recover.

Does Massage Therapy Work for Fibromyalgia?

The short answer is that massage therapy helps somewhat. It’s not a cure by any means, but research shows that myofascial release can help reduce pain and stiffness, depression, fatigue, stress and anxiety. Massage therapy is generally a part of the solution to control pain levels, but usually is part of treatment rather than the sole treatment.

Types of Massage Therapies Used for Fibromyalgia

Massage is beneficial for fibromyalgia patients because the myofascial release massage helps relax contracted muscles and improve blood flow. Depending on which technique is beneficial for you, you may actively provide resistance or stay relaxed through the massage. Types of massage that may help:

  • Connective tissue massage: uses slow strokes and additional pressure to release deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue
  • Shiatsu massage: uses pressure on specific points along energy pathways in an attempt to relieve tension
  • Manual lymphatic drainage massage: uses rhythmic motions of the skeletal muscles to stimulate natural drainage of lymphatic fluid
  • Reflexology massage: targets points on the hands and feet believed to stimulate various organs and tissues (this type of massage may be too painful for some)
  • Cranial-sacral therapy: uses mild pressure on specific points at the base of the skull and along the spine

Types of Massage not Recommended for Fibromyalgia

Some types of massage are off the figurative table for fibromyalgia patients. The following are some massage techniques that are not recommended because they are too intense, too uncomfortable, too painful, or too dangerous:

  • Deep tissue massage
  • Thai massage
  • Reflexology foot massage
  • Barefoot massage (the person doing the massage walks on your back while holding a bar suspended from the ceiling)

The right type of massage may make all the difference in relieving fibromyalgia pain. A good massage can release tension, improve physical well-being and give you back your quality of life.

5 Stretches and Exercises for Rotator Cuff Tears

By Amy Haddad


“If you’ve had a rotator cuff tear, physical therapy will be important to help you regain shoulder strength and range of motion.

Rotator cuff injuries are typically caused by trauma, tissue degeneration, or shoulder impingement.

Here are examples of several typical exercises and stretches you may encounter on your road to recovery.

1. Pendulum swing

  • Stand to the side of a table, steady chair, or railing and place the hand of your uninjured arm on the object for stability.
  • Gently lean forward without rounding the back and allow the affected arm to dangle freely. Then, lightly move this arm forward and back.
  • Starting in the same position, move your arm in and out (side-to-side).
  • Starting in the same position, move your arm in small circles. Start in a clockwise motion, then reverse and do it counterclockwise.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other arm.

2. Crossover arm stretch

  • Stand up straight and relax your shoulders. Take a few deep breaths if you need to relax.
  • Stretch the affected arm across your chest, but below your chin; reach as far as possible.
  • The healthy arm helps by holding the elbow area of the affected arm.
  • When performing this exercise, you should feel a stretch—not pain.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other arm.

3. Standing row

  • This exercise involves a stretch band, tied at the ends to make a three-foot loop.
  • Attach one end of the loop to a steady object like a doorknob and face it.
  • Hold the other end in one hand, and stand far back enough so there is little or no slack in the band.
  • With your arm bent at the elbow at a 90-degree angle and close to your body, pull the elbow back.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other arm.

4. Internal rotation

  • Like a standing row, this exercise involves a stretch band tied at the ends to make a three-foot loop.
  • Attach one end of the loop to a steady object like a doorknob; stand to the side and hold the band in the hand of your affected arm.
  • Bend your elbow to a 90-degree angle and keep it close to your body. Then, bring the forearm over the midsection of the body.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other arm.

5. Posterior stretch

  • Stand up and relax the shoulders.
  • The hand of the uninjured arm holds the elbow region of the injured one.
  • The hand of the injured arm crosses the body and rests on the opposite shoulder.
  • The hand of the uninjured arm lightly pushes the affected arm up and over the body, eliciting a stretch.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other arm.

Your physician or physical therapist will typically specify the types of exercises and number of repetitions to fit your needs and goals. He or she will also instruct you in the correct exercise technique, as well as pain management approaches. For example, icing immediately after stretching helps calm inflammation; your health care provider can show you how best to apply ice or a cold pack.

As with any exercise program, work with closely with your doctor and/or physical therapist to make sure you’re doing the correct exercises with the right form. You want to ensure you are performing the recommended stretches and exercises correctly; adjustments may be needed if you feel pain. As a general rule, exercising should not be overly painful. If you experience pain stop and consult with your health care provider before continuing.

The rotator cuff has an important role: securing your upper arm bone (humerus) and enabling shoulder movement. Following your prescribed physical therapy program can help restore your shoulder to normal function after a tear, and get you back to the activities you enjoy!”

The full article can be found here:

How can massage help with a rotator cuff injury?

“The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, keeping the head of your upper arm bone firmly within the shallow socket of the shoulder.

A rotator cuff injury can cause a dull ache either in the front or back of the shoulder, which often worsens when you try to sleep on the involved side or try to use it under load.

Rotator cuff injuries occur most often in people who repeatedly perform overhead motions in their jobs or sports. Examples include painters, carpenters, and people who play baseball or tennis. However, it’s also very common for people who are inactive to obtain a rotator cuff injury through reaching for things at an unusual angle, such as reaching into the back seat of a car for a bag.

The risk of rotator cuff injury also increases with age. Injuries can also occur due your sleep position – again, particularly as we age.

Many people recover from rotator cuff injury with physical therapy exercises that improve flexibility and strength of the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint.

The pain associated with a rotator cuff injury may:

  • Be described as a dull ache deep in the shoulder (with or without movement) – or a sharp pain with movement

  • Disturb sleep, particularly if you lie on the affected shoulder

  • Make it difficult to comb your hair or reach behind your back

  • Be accompanied by arm weakness

If you are at risk of rotator cuff injuries or if you’ve had a rotator cuff injury in the past, daily shoulder stretches and strengthening exercises can help prevent future injury.

Most people exercise the front muscles of the chest, shoulder and upper arm, but it is equally important to strengthen the muscles in the back of the shoulder and around the shoulder blade to optimise shoulder muscle balance. A specialised remedial massage therapist with training in sports/rehab exercises can create a treatment program for you.

Targeted massage and mobilisation helps in increasing blood flow along with preventing scar tissue formation. This in turn promotes healing and re-establishes the normal function of rotator cuff.

During the initial stage of a rotator cuff injury, remedial massage is at its most effective along with treatment for inflammation as prescribed by a GP or rehab physiotherapist.”

This article was written on February 19, 2019 and is published on the Fitlife Sports Massage website. I am not aware of who the author is as they were not listed on the website. The original article can be found here: